
Reading Period:

We read fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and text-based graphic art submissions from August 1st through April 15th. Work submitted outside of our reading period will not be read.

We encourage you to read over back issues of SLAB to see if your work is akin to the work we have previously published. SLAB is only seeking unpublished work.


Submit either a flash, medium, or traditional-length fiction story with a $10.00 reading fee, which includes a two-year subscription. Submit fiction stories through SLAB Submission Manager and complete a $10 entry fee via PayPal.

Simultaneous and Multiple Submissions:

We accept simultaneous submissions, but we request that you notify the SLAB staff immediately via email if your work gets taken elsewhere. Please send notifications to

Please submit only one story or essay (10,000-word limit), or up to five poems at a time. Submissions beyond these limits will not be read.

Submitting Online:

We no longer accept paper submissions. Work submitted by snail mail or email will not be considered. To submit your work, please follow the link to the online submission manager.

Notifications and Queries:

Acceptance in SLAB is done on a rolling basis throughout the reading period. Accepted authors will receive an email notifying them of their acceptance. A contract will follow.