SLAB Giving Day 2025

In this era of budget cuts, SLAB is still providing a unique, professionalizing experience for our undergraduate editors, including trips to national conferences like AWP, workshops, and hands-on artist book experiences. To keep this good work going, and to celebrate our twentieth issue (!), we are hoping to raise $3000 for future conference travel, workshops with editors and book artists, and the purchase of publishing equipment like a proofing press so we can utilize our Read more…

2025 Boggs Fiction Contest Open

We are now accepting submissions for the 2025 Boggs Fiction Contest. This year we are excited to offer a first prize cash award of $850 and publication in SLAB. Second place is a cash prize of $600 and publication in SLAB. Click here for more information about the contest and submission guidelines. Ready to submit your work? Click here to begin the process.

Spring 2021

After a busy fall releasing our 15th edition, decking out our staff with beanies, and a relaxing seven-week winter break, we are getting back into the swing of things. Trudging through the cold, reading through the submissions for the 16th edition. Another big thanks to Brian Holderman for our cover for 15 – check out more of his work here.

Fall 2020

Our brains are on fire as we start the Fall 2020 semester🔥🔥 We are looking forward to an interesting semester as well as the EPIC release of the 15th issue of SLAB in October, so to celebrate, here’s another sneak peek at the cover of SLAB 15! Big thanks to artist Brian Holderman for the artwork– check out more of his work here:

2019 Poetry Contest Winners!

INTRODUCING, THIS YEARS CURRY POETRY CONTEST WINNER AND RUNNER UP, PETER PATAPIS AND TIM BARZDITIS! WINNER: PETER PATAPIS RUNNER UP: TIM BARZDITIS BIO: My name is Tim Barzditis (27), and I’ve spent most of life in and around Virginia. Fredericksburg’s where I call home. I’m currently finishing up my MFA in Creative Writing at George Mason University, which is in Fairfax, VA. I’m also teaching a couple of undergrad courses at GMU, mostly intro to Read more…